Monday, November 26, 2012

From Nick Adolph’s Cookbook: Chil-Bo (Chili/Gumbo Fusion)

Background: Great recipes are born when Big Daddy Necessity takes Mama Opportunity out for a night on the town, gets her drunk, then seduces her back to his room to watch “Fern Gully.” I heard some serious bed-squeaking going on in my Croc-Pot last night, so I knew that today would birth a glorious recipe (don’t worry about how pregnancy works in this ridiculous abstract world I’ve created. This isn’t fucking “Inception.” I wrote this post in 10 minutes because I was bored. Deal with it). Anywho, I had a monstrous can of red beans that I wanted to cook up so I invented this recipe. Enjoy!

1 large can of red beans. I’d say around 24 ounces, but larger works too. You could also get two small cans if you don’t understand economies of scale.
½ a can of corn (I would estimate this at around 1 ear of corn)
3 sausages, any type. I used spicy chicken, I would imagine kielbasa could also taste good.
2 red peppers
2 cloves of garlic. I would have used more but I was stealing them from Robby and felt bad taking more.
2 sweet onions.

I don’t claim to be a food expert. You can really throw anything in. Here’s what I used. I don’t have quantities because I don’t measure – I cook on raw instinct and talent. My kitchen presence is a whirlwind of raw emotion and profanity.  
Chili Powder
BBQ Sauce
I also would have used Cajun seasoning, but we didn’t have any.

Seriously? You need directions? If something’s too big, chop it up. If it’s too small, you’re screwed. If it’s the right size, toss it in. If it’s a spice, dump it in. Don’t worry about cutting yourself, because chicks dig scars/ moody guys with dark pasts.

Serving Instructions:
Serve in a bowl with a side of sliced ciabatta. Garnish with parsley. Goes well with a dry white wine. Just kidding, eat it straight of the Croc-Pot. No dishes and you won’t seem like a pretentious douche. Enjoy!

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